Normally, the paper difficulty level is around Moderate. It requires proper understanding of concepts and proper practice of question bank.

Normally JAIIB exam requires thorough preparation which may take some 4 months period for all papers. If student does not find time and can spend only 7-10 days, he should focus on some important chapters through question bank, to improve chances of success.

Candidates get 5 attempts for completion of the JAIIB exam within a maximum period of three years (whichever is earlier).

No. In Sept 2022, it was indicated that negative marking shall become applicable. But the decision has not been implemented and at present, the negative marking rule is not applicable

If you are working in public sector banks, you will get one increment, in your running scale.

Accordion ContenThe certificate issued by IIBF for CAIIB and JAIIB have a lifetime validity.

The fee schedule is given below
1st Attempt Rs. 4,000/-
2nd Attempt Rs. 1,300/-
3rd Attempt Rs. 1,300/-
4th Attempt Rs. 1,300/-

FIRST CLASS means 60% or more in aggregate in the first physical attempt. In case of DISTINCTION, it is 70% or more in aggregate and 60% or more in each paper.

Both, JAIIB and CAIIB are held in English and Hindi. Candidate has to choose at the time of enrollment. Subsequently, change in not possible

A candidate can appear in CAIIB, only after passing JAIIB. So 1st you need to pass JAIIB

There are 2 criteria. 1) Candidate should score a minimum 50 marks out of 100 to pass. 2) Candidates who appear in all the 4 papers in a single attempt must obtain min 45 marks in each subject and a total of 50% (i.e. 200 marks) in all papers as aggregate score.

No. It is not mandatory. But candidates with JAIIB pass, get extra weight in the promotion process and have better chances of getting promoted.

One increment is given in the running scale for JAIIB and two increments for CAIIB

Yes. The candidates can use battery operated portable calculator which may be of any type up to 6 functions, 12 digits.

By completing JAIIB exam, a candidate acquires lot of knowledge in the areas relating to operational banking. By using this knowledge, the candidate can take better decision with confidence.

There are four papers given in sequence – Paper-1: Indian Economy and Indian Financial System (IE & IFS); Paper-2: Principles and Practices of Banking (PPB); Paper-3 : Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers (AFM); Paper-4: Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM).

Any employee including subordinate staff, working in a bank with 12th standard pass, in any stream OR any employee who is not 12th standard pass, but Branch Managers recommends his name, for allowing to appear in the exam.

In fact no paper is difficult, if a student is able to spend proper time in preparation. But one paper which students normally consider difficult is Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers (AFMB), since most of the students do not have commerce back ground and it is not directly concerned with day to day banking operations?

Focus on concept understanding for each paper, each module and each unit. Then practice a lot using good question bank. You need to put in about 4 hours average for period of 5 months. For this purpose, draw a schedule and follow it.

JAIIB exam is held twice in a year (May-Jun and Oct-Nov). Exam is normally on weekends. The exam is online.

There is no age restriction for appearing in JAIIB Exam. Candidates should be a bank employee and passee 10 + 2 exam.

We offer latest updated courses, which have been lakhs of bankers in the last 30 years. Pl log in our website to use the course and for all details.

You can appear in that paper again, if the some attempt is available. (There are total 5 attempts).

In JAIIB, all the 4 papers carry max 100 marks each.

To appear in JAIIB exam, the candidates should be a bank employee and have passed 10+2 exam.

All papers are easy for the students who are ready to put in best efforts. However, Retail Banking and Wealth Management paper is considered to be easy by most of the students.

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