CAIIB BFM – Mock Test- 08
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Here is your Test…….. All the best
If the total capital adequacy ratio is to be maintained at 9% of risk weighted assets, what will be amount of capital for commercial real estate – residential housing and for commercial real estate loans.
There is decline in rate of interest of 2% for a period up to 1 year. The bank group which will gain least is:
On the basis of change in interest rate, calculate the amount of re-pricing assets, as per standard gap method in re-pricing assets and liabilities.
A borrower can deposit govt. securities with CCIL and borrow against such securities (i.e. sell) from other who have surplus liquidity, subject to repayment after a fixed term. The underlying securities are represented by:
The outstanding balance in the account, based on drawing power, calculated from stock statements older than ___ months, would be deemed as irregular (out of order).
What is the credit equivalent of non-fund based exposure in respect of take out finance:
In terms of extant RBI guidelines on ALM, the maximum non-sensitive assets, a bank can have in percentage to total assets is.
Which of the following is not part of contingent liabilities in case of a bank balance sheet:
Supervisor should seek to intervene at an early stage to prevent capital from falling below the minimum regulatory level as per:
Which of the following Tiers of capital fund are recognised by RBI in India:
The duration of a bond yielding 10% is 3 years. The modified duration of the bond will be:
When a bank is holding assets and liabilities with different principal amount or maturity or re-pricing dates, it is exposed to changes in the level of interest rate. This is called:
The annual fee which the credit protection buyer is required to pay to the protection seller over the length of the contract, expressed as percentage of the notional amount, is called:
The money in circulation is indicated by which of the following:
To overcome the possible conflict of interest in the benchmark setting, arising out of governance structure, which of the following has been promoted?
The bonds can be issued as (1) structured obligations with put and call options (2) with convertibility options (3) as zero coupon bonds or deep discount bonds (4) as floating rate bonds
If the strike price is more than the forward rate in case of a call option or if the strike price is less than the forward rate in case of a put option, it is:
Which of the following can be a member of Negotiated Dealing System (1) banks (2) primary dealers (3) mutual funds (4) insurance companies (5) financial institutions.
The stable level of liquidity and negligible volatility is the result of:
What is the amount of risk weighted assets for investment in govt. securities
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4) If you want to improve your score, we suggest you to practice the following QUESTION BANK after revising the concepts.